
The Lincoln Art Center is a small rural non-profit organization (501c3) maintaining a large gallery space on Main Street in Lincoln, KS. Here are all the ways you can help and/or get involved:

  1. Become a member or renew your membership annually. Every little bit helps.
    1. You can sign up for or renew your membership via our website at We use PayPal to receive online donations and payments, but you do not have to have a PayPal account to purchase a membership online.
  2. Sign up for kickbacks every time you shop.
    1. Assign community rewards money (a percent of your purchases) from Dillon’s to the Lincoln Art Center by registering online to your Dillon’s shopping card, or call customer service at 1-800-576-4377.
    2. Members of Thrivent can have their “Choice Dollars” paid to Lincoln Art Center also. Dedicate your dollars online or call 1-800-847-4836 and say “Choice Dollars.”
  3. Shop the Art Center Gift Gallery for unique hand-made gifts – In-Store or Online!
    1. Lincoln Art Center has Live Sales on Facebook seasonally, where you can purchase unique gift gallery items.
    2. Shop in our gift gallery store in the building or our new online store at
    3. Your purchase from the Gift Gallery also supports the individual artists that have consigned their work to our store.
  4. Donate supplies on our Wish List (ask Executive Director Joyce Harlow about what is needed).
  5. Volunteer your time, skills and personality. For example, the Art Center undertook a flooring renovation project that would not have been completed affordably without great volunteer labor!
  6. Check out our current exhibits via our website at