UPDATE: This exhibit was extended through October.
LINCOLN – “Indigenous” with Mona Cliff of Lawrence, Kris Heinze and George Medcraft Collections, Lincoln, will open at the Lincoln Art Center on Friday July 10 at 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. through August 31.
Mona Cliff is a multidisciplinary Indigenous visual artist, she explores the contemporary Native American identity and culture through her use of native crafting methods such as seed beading embroidery and fabric applique. Mona acquired a B.F.A. in printmaking at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, WA. after graduating Mona pursued beadwork as a way to re-indigenize her art after a European based art education. She learned beadwork from her grandmother. Mona’s beadwork is included in traveling exhibits and at Abrens Art Center, NYC, Santa Fe NM and Cape Town South Africa as well as many exhibit and private collections.
Kris Heinze has been an avid photographer since taking a high school darkroom photography class taught by C.R. Herpich in Baldwin City, KS. She continued her study throughout school and graduated from Fort Hays University with a B.A. in communications. Heinze appreciates and strives to capture the simple and realistic beauty of the natural world, everything from wildlife to the changing of the seasons, most often focusing on the hidden-in-plain-view local Lincoln County landscapes.
George Medcraft was a local farmer and rancher who was described by his daughters, Martha Lohmann and Anne Wilkerson, as an avid “rock hound”. Medcraft collected indigenous artifacts from his farm East of Lincoln. His extensive collection includes arrow heads, spear points, scrapers, drills, stone axes, grinding stones, pottery shards and shaft sharpeners.
This exhibit is free and open to the public Tuesday-Friday Noon-4:00 and Saturday 9:00 am to Noon at the Lincoln Art Center, 126 E. Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, Kansas 67455. For more information call the art center at 785-524-3241.