“The Way I See It“, featuring works by Jim & Kathy Richardson, Jim Turner all of Lindsborg and Don Osborn, Roxbury, opens at the Lincoln Art Center Friday, September 14 from 5:30 – 7:30, with a gallery walk at 6:30. This exhibit runs through October 20, 2018.
Jim Richardson is a photographer for National Geographic Magazine and contributing editor for its sister publication, Traveler Magazine. Richardson has done more than 30 stories for National Geographic and has his work featured in his gallery, Small World, on Lindsborg Main street.
Kathy Richardson is a jewelry designer at Small World Gallery in Lindsborg, KS. Kathy studied at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Kansas State University.
Jim Turner is a fine art photographer working mainly in black & white traditional film photography. Turner shows his work at his gallery, The Brik Street Gallery, and his studio, Turner Photography.
Don Osborn, former Professor of Art with the University of New York at Plattsburgh, studied sculpture at Wichita State University. He exhibits and works out of his studio in Roxbury.